
Common technical terms

1. Rated capacitance:

The capacitance value for which the capacitor has been

designed and which is usually indicated upon it.

2. Category temperature range:

The range of ambient temperatures for which the capacitor has been designed to operate continuously; This is defined by the temperature limits of the appropriate category.

3. Upper category temperature:

The maximum ambient temperature for which a capacitor has been designed to operate continuously.

4. Lower category temperature:

The minimum ambient temperature for which a capacitor has  been designed to operate continuously.

5. Rated temperature:

The maximum ambient temperature at which rated voltage may be continuously applied.

6. Rated voltage:

The maximum direct voltage or the maximum RMS alternating voltage or peak value of pulse voltage which may be applied continuously to a capacitor at any temperature between the lower category temperature and the rated temperature.

7. Category voltage:

The maximum voltage which may be applied continuously to a capacitor  at its upper category temperature.

8. Temperature derating voltage:

For any temperature between the rated temperature and  the upper category temperature, the temperature derating voltage is the maximum voltage that may be applied continuously to a capacitor.

9. Insulation resistance(IR) / Time constant (t) Insulation resistance (IR) / Time constant (t):

The insulation resistance is the ratio between an applied DC voltage and the resulting leakage current after a minute of charge. It is expressed in MΩ. The time constant is expressed in seconds with the following


t (s)=lR (MΩ)×CR (μF).

10. Pulse rise time (dv/dt):

The pulse rise time defines the capability of a capacitor to withstand high current peaks due to fast voltage changes. The peak current is defined by the following formula:

lp(A)=C(uF) × dv/dt ( V/μs)

11. Dissipation factor and equivalent series resistance:

The dissipation factor or tangent of loss angle (tan δ) is the power loss of the capacitor divided by the reactive power of the capacitor at a sinusoidal voltage of specified frequency. The equivalent series resistance(ESR) is the resistive part of the equivalent circuit composed of capacitance, series resistance and inductance.
